What Should You Do To Relieve Neck, Wrist, and Back Pain?

Are you going to take pain medication like Advil, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen? Many have used these to ease the pain, how about you? A couple of years ago, I was working as a Care Giver and got hurt. I ended up needing Rotator Cuff Surgery. Before that happened, I was given a piece of advice from my Doctor to go to Physical Therapy.  After a few weeks I felt like I wanted to stop going to Therapy because  it hurt so bad. But I continued not only going to work, but also going to my therapy session as well.  It was so painful! But as they say “you gotta do what you gotta do”.  After about 8 weeks of undergoing Physical Therapy I eventually needed cortisone shots. You know what happened next, MRI. To those who have never experienced an MRI, in my opinion it was one of worst things to endure because of the drilling sounds.  It was horrible! But again I did what I had to do.

A month passed by and finally my surgery day had arrived! I was of course scared to death because the Orthopedic Doctor told me that he was going to put few screws that will melt after a few months. Screws in my shoulder! Really?  But that was all part of the deal to heal my rotator cuff tear. I thank the Creator for helping me survive the surgery.  OK  you may ask, but how does this help me with my pain?

After couple of hours surgery I woke up and my husband drove me home before he went to work! To endure the after surgery pain I was prescribed oxycodone.  After about 30 minutes I started feeling like I was floating in the air! I called my husband and told him to come back home. I was scared! I didn’t know what to do. I thought, I just have to take it because that is what the doctor told me to do.  I am imagining the pain if I don’t take the medication. I took another pill but the same thing happened except this time I begin to hallucinate.  Well, you may ask, so is that what we should take to relieve our pain? No,No,No, keep reading!

Let me tell you a bit about myself, I am a Lung Cancer Stage III-A survivor. I did not take Chemotherapy or Radiation but decided to go the natural route and it worked for me.  That is why I believed that there should be a way of helping me with the pain without taking oxycodone, but of course I was afraid because this is surgery, not cancer. When I was sick I used Magnesium oil. I had read that it suppresses tumors. I had a tumor on my left lung. I also used some Essential Oils but I did not know if this would help me with the surgery. Again, I did more research, and read that Essential oils can help with relaxation and support for whatever the body needs, like inflammation and pain! I decided to make my own concoction and to stop taking the oxycodone which was causing my hallucinations and was extremely addictive. I started using the oils that I mixed, together with putting an icepack on my shoulder when I needed it. Sure enough, I never took oxycodone again. Yes, Essential Oils are amazing, especially when combined  with supplements and an anti-inflammatory diet.

Now, I am into using oils when any problems arise. Let me give you an example; Migraine, how many of you are suffering from it? Peppermint and Lavender Oil helped my husband. He used to stay in bed not going to work because of migraines, but now, no more, UNLESS he eats too much hamburger! Even then, as long as we have peppermint, we are ok.

How about sleepless nights because of pain or other reasons, what do you think? Can Essential Oils help? Yes indeed! Let me know what your concerns are and maybe Essential Oils is the answer to your quest for health. Comment below and I will help you and show you how to help others with their needs.

Here are some Oils that can help you, and you can order them from me. There are many oils around, but as an Essential Oil Coach and Wellness Advocate I suggest when buying oils, please always remember the quality not the cheap price.

Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon grass, Eucalyptus, Copaiba
